精神保健研究所 精神疾患病態研究部。私たちは「脳とこころの科学」の先駆的研究活動を展開しています。


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  • 統合失調症:神経生理機能


  1. Morita K, *Hashimoto R. Eye movement as a biomarker of schizophrenia:Using an integrated eye movement score. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci (in press)
  2. Matuura Y, Fujino H, Hashimoto R, Yasuda Y, Yamamori H, Ohi K, Takeda T, Imura O. Standing postural instability in patients with schizophrenia: Relationships with psychiatric symptoms, anxiety, and the use of neuroleptic medications. Gait Posture, 41:847-851, 2015.4
  3. Matsuno H, Ohi K, *Hashimoto R, Yamamori H, Yasuda Y, Fujimoto M, Yano-Umeda S, Saneyoshi T, Takeda M, Hayashi Y. A naturally occurring null variant of the NMDA type glutamate receptor NR3B subunit is a risk factor of schizophrenia. PLoS One, 13;10(3):e0116319, 2015.3
  4. Miura K, *Hashimoto R, Fujimoto M, Yamamori H, Yasuda Y, Ohi K, Umeda-Yano S, Fukunaga M, Iwase M, Takeda M. An integrated eye movement score as a neurophysiological marker of schizophrenia. Schizophr Res, 160(1-3):228-9, 2014.12
  5. Ikezawa K, Ishii R, Iwase M, Kurimoto R, Canuet L, Takahashi H, Nakahachi T, Azechi M, Ohi K, Fukumoto M, Yasuda Y, Iike N, Takaya M, Yamamori H, Kazui H, Hashimoto R, Yoshimine T, Takeda M. Decreased alpha event-related synchronization in the left posterior temporal cortex in schizophrenia: A magnetoencephalography-beamformer study. Neurosci Res, 71(3):235-43, 2011.11
  6. *Hashimoto R, Ohi K, Yasuda Y, Fukumoto M, Yamamori H, Takahashi H, Iwase M, Okochi T, Kazui H, Saitoh O, Tatsumi M, Iwata N, Ozaki N, Kamijima K, Kunugi H, Takeda M. Variants of the RELA gene are associated with schizophrenia and their startle responses. Neuropsychopharmacology, 36(9):1921-1931, 2011.8
  7. Ohi K, *Hashimoto R, Yasuda Y, Fukumoto M, Yamamori H, Umeda-Yano S, Kamino K, Ikezawa K, Azechi M, Iwase M, Kazui H, Kasai K, Takeda M. The SIGMAR1 gene is associated with a risk of schizophrenia and activation of the prefrontal cortex. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry, 35:1309-1315, 2011.4
  8. Azechi M, Iwase M, Ikezawa K, Takahashi H, Canuet L, Kurimoto R, Nakahachi T, Ishii R, Fukumoto M, Ohi K, Yasuda Y, Kazui H, Hashimoto R, Takeda M. Discriminant analysis in schizophrenia and healthy subjects using prefrontal activation during frontal lobe tasks: A near-infrared spectroscopy. Schizophr Res, 117(1):52-60, 2010.3
  9. Canuet L, Ishii R, Iwase M, Ikezawa K, Kurimoto R, Takahashi H, Currais A, Azechi M, Nakahachi T, Hashimoto R, Takeda M. Working memory abnormalities in chronic interictal epileptic psychosis and schizophrenia revealed by magnetoencephalography. Epilepsy Behav, 17(1):109-119, 2010.1
  10. Moriwaki M, Kishi T, Takahashi H, Hashimoto R, Kawashima K, Okochi T, Furukawa O, Fujita K, Takeda M, Iwata N. Prepulse inhibition of the startle response with chronic schizophrenia: A replication study. Neurosci Res, 65(3):259-262, 2009.11
  11. Ikezawa K, Iwase M, Ishii R, Azechi M, Canuet L, Ohi K, Yasuda Y, Iike N, Kurimoto R, Takahashi H, Nakahachi T, Sekiyama R, Yoshida T, Kazui H, Hashimoto R, Takeda M. Impaired regional hemodynamic response in schizophrenia during multiple prefrontal activation tasks: a two-channel near-infrared spectroscopy study. Schizophr Res, 108(1-3):93-103, 2009.3
  12. Takahashi H, Iwase M, Ishii R, Ohi K, Fukumoto M, Azechi M, Ikezawa K, Kurimoto R, Canuet L, Nakahachi T, Iike N, Tagami S, Morihara T, Okochi M, Tanaka T, Kudo T, Yoshida T, Yasuda Y, Hashimoto R, Takeda M. Impaired prepulse inhibition and habituation of acoustic startle response in Japanese patients with schizophrenia. Neurosci Res, 62(3), 187-197, 2008.11
  13. Kunugi H, Tanaka M, Hori H, Hashimoto R, Saitoh O, Hironaka N. Prepulse inhibition of acoustic startle in Japanese patients with chronic schizophrenia. Neurosci Res, 59(1):23-28, 2007.9
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